From Hell

Plotline: Someone is killing prostitutes in London, and his name is Jack the Ripper.
Scariness factor: Moody. But not scary.

Gross-Out Factor: I think some throats are slit. And you might see innards. But other than that, nothing is really strongly standing out to me.
Complaints: Two words: Heather. Graham. No wait. Six words: Heather. Graham. With. A. Cockney. Accent. *shuddering* I don't like Heather Graham. She's cute. But she plays Rollergirl in like EVERY movie she's in. She doesn't exactly have range. I think the only roles I've ever really liked her in are Boogie Nights and when she was on Scrubs. Other than that, UGH. So yeah: #1 complaint. #2 complaint: This movie just leaves me pretty much indifferent in every which way. I don't hate it. But I don't love it. There's nothing particularly noteworthy or remarkable about it. And the big reveal at the end? Wah wah wahhhhh. Lame.
High Points: Johnny Depp's good in pretty much everything. And the mood is nice at times.

Overall: Meh. Don't love it. Don't hate it. Could live without ever having seen it.
Grade: C
Labels: C movies
FINALLY someone who agrees that Heather Graham is a SHIT actress! Don't understand how she gets jobs. Must be the rack (which, in quite a nice one if you're into that sorta thing).
(By any chance do you feel the same about Kirsten Dunst? SHIT actress.)
Amazing site, I really enjoy reading your posts. Keep up the good work.
This movie could have been better
Heather Graham is a hottie.
Couldn't have said that better. Great post!
I love all things from Johnny Depp. and by the way, its her tits.
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