
Plotline: An abused woman whose ex-husband has just gotten out of the joint finds solace in a kind drifter. Unfortunately, he begins to inflict his own paranoid madness on her--what starts out as a passing mention of bugs turns into a full-blown obsession.
Scariness factor: *Snort*
Gross-Out Factor: Teeth get pulled out. That's about the worst of it.

Complaints: Wow. Seriously. I've not seen such a bad movie in quite some time. The plotline was just plain old boring. Bugs infesting your body, sent by the government? Surprisingly uncreative. The acting was equally bad: Harry Connick, Jr, you need to stick to singing and/or Will & Grace, because you just can't pull off a bad-ass, friend. Harry Connick aside, the manic moments in the film were just BEYOND laughable. I felt like I was watching little kids put on a movie, and watching their interpretation of "craziness" unravel into goofbally over-the-top horribleness, which is excusable in children, but not so much in a film.
Conversation between lead actors:
Ashley Judd: How can we pull off "crazy?"
Michael Shannon: Let's throw ourselves onto the bed and writhe around a whole bunch.
Ashley Judd: Cool! And maybe then we can jump up and down on the bed wildly and scream?
Michael Shannon: Ooh! Good call!
Ashley Judd: And then I can shout "I am the super bug mother!" really loud a few times!
Michael Shannon: OMG! Seriously: brilliant. It is hard to believe you've never won an Oscar, Ashley Judd.
Ashley Judd: I know. I AM THE SUPER BUG MOTHER!!!!!
There was just *nothing* interesting about this movie. You never really develop a sense of caring about the characters. Their relationships with one another aren't convincing at all. The movie's really not all that suspenseful or interesting. I think it was *trying* to be deep, but it just failed miserably.
High Points: That it ended.

Overall: Wow. So bad. If you want to make fun of a movie, then rent it. Otherwise, stear clear.
Grade: F
Labels: F movies
I cant even begin to express how much I dislike Ashley Judd. Terrible actress. There needs to be a movie based on her getting smacked in the face with a bag full of nickels.
When I rented the DVD for this movie - I have to admit, I was expecting something really good based on the synopsis offered on the back side of the DVD case.
Throughout the movie I waited patiently for some kind of awakening to occur - something to shed some light on all the kookiness, but it never came. I really wanted to understand this movie better. I wanted to believe that it had potential. The film did have a few compelling moments but they quickly fizzled out.
Lindyloo - I don't think that I hated the movie quite as much as your review did but I have to admit - I was disappointed. (My score: D)
I read the play which the movie is based on, which I loved. With all my acting heart.
And the screen play is written by the man who wrote the play...
I'll have to watch it to see why it's so bad.
I respectfully disagree with this review. I thought it was amazing.
I thought it was a good movie, not great but good.
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