An American Haunting

Plotline: The alleged story of the Bell Witch and a young girl tormented by unseen forces.
Scariness factor: Fah.
Gross-Out Factor: Not super-gross. Though fingernails being dragged across floorboards still grosses me out more than huge bloody messes.
Complaints: Boring. The haunted/possessed idea has been done 15 million times, and it's been done better in various other movies. There wasn't anything really interesting driving this movie along. It seemed moreso like the special-fx were the focal point and the plot-line was just sort of shoddily crafted around them. Not even the acting saved this movie, truth be told. And I even kinda like Sissy Spacek and Donald Sutherland. Oh, and the "framing" technique was lame.

High Points: Quite honestly, this movie just bored me. I can't really thing of anything that I was like "Oh hell yes" about. I've seen worse, but I've also seen much much better.
Overall: Not worth your while. Rent THE EXORCIST or something instead.
Grade: D
Labels: D movies