Pitch Black
Plotline: A space transport-vessel crash-lands on a seemingly deserted planet. The survivors (one of which is an escaped convict with eyes that just happen to be able to conveniently see in the dark) are forced to fight for their lives as the planet slides into darkness and its predators awaken.
Scariness factor: Should've been. But wasn't.

Gross-Out Factor: Ugh--I can't even remember. I don't think it was anything TOO nasty though.
Complaints: SO. BORING. Really. I just didn't find this movie interesting. At all. I mean, the interesting part of the premise (having to fend off predators in the dark) doesn't even begin until halfway through the movie. And Vin Diesel is annoying as FUCK.
High Points: There was like ONE scene where you see the people moving through the pitch black, and when one of them waves a light-source around them, we see the RIDICULOUS number of predators just waiting for them in the dark. THAT was cool. The rest: boo.

Overall: Quite frankly, I thought this was boring and sucked. It could've been an interesting premise. But it wasn't.
Grade: D-
Labels: D movies